Save and Load Instantiated GameObjects with position, rotation and scale.Items, buildings any prefab of your choice that will be instantiated get collected in a list and can be saved and loaded.Save Binary XOR encrypted data with key change at every save and every save file can have a different key.Antiduplicate checks at the desired interval for anti-cheat.Save TransformSave GameObject if it is activeSave Components if enableSave FloatsSave IntegersSave StringsSave BoolsSave ColorsSave Image colorSave Material ColorSave TagSave if GameObject DestroyedSave even values of GameObjects that are present in the scene (not instantiated)Save Slots with scene examples.Scripts commented to understand what is happening.Tested with over 500 gameobjects instantiated but you can choose the limit of how many gameobjects to be saved.Save Slot numbers.Can be used together with other saving assets.