Fight or Die –> Is a fighting game. You are a player and must beat your enemies, to reach to the next level.– 3D game– 12 different scenes– 1 terrain– 1 skybox– 10 levels– 1 player which is our character– player have 5 different attacks– 10 different enemies– 1 enemy have 4 different attacks– 3 different sound effects for player (When attack, getting hurt or when dies)– 27 different sound effects for enemies (When attack, getting hurt or when dies)– Loop music in game– Automatic save game after level is completed– This project is made for Operating system like : Windows, MAC and LinuxKeyboard : W, S, A, D – Moving1 x pressed keyboard character E - For attack number 12 x pressed keyboard character E - For attack number 23 x pressed keyboard character E - For attack number 31 x pressed keyboard character Q - For attack number 42 x pressed keyboard character Q - For attack number 5Escape – Quit