Over 250 high quality voice audio files of Female native French common words, phrases, expressions, questions & numbers spoken in several different styles for your character, NPC, background ambience.Just .wav files so all good.This Pack contains 257 high quality, studio recorded files that have been spoken, recorded, compressed and mixed (without extra effects such as reverb, delay), in several different styles / Characters / tones, etc, that would suit a variety of options.These could be used for your NPC's, playable characters, automated voices, background ambience when passing, town setting, etc.They have been divided accordingly into the following categories for ease of use:Normal Spoken (23 Files)Whispering (33 Files)Petite, Babyish (39 Files)Posh, Aristocrat (39 Files)Sultry, Sexy (47 Files)Attitude, Angry (19 Files)Common Questions and Expressions (34 Files)Numbers (23 Files)Covering all the common words and phrases:J’adore (I love it)Je t’aime (I love you)Mon Amour (My love)Mon Chéri (My baby, my honey, my sweetness, etc)Mon Coeur (My heart)Oui (Yes)Non (No)Ouais (Yep)Bien venue (Welcome)Bonjour (Good Morning)Au Revoir (Goodbye)Bon Voyage (Have a Good trip, safe journey)Je déteste (I hate it)Arrêt (Stop, stop it)Ohh La La (Wow!, No way!, You’re kidding?, You’ve got to be joking!)Garçon! (Waiter!)Common Nouns:ParisLe Champ-ÉlyséesLa Tour EiffelLa SeineFromageBaguetteCroissantChampagneCaviarCommon Questions and Expressions:Allez! (Come on!)Comment? (How?)Oh Non (Ohh no!)Pourquoi? (Why?)Quoi? (What?)Là! (Here!)Là-Bas! (There!)Où ça? (Where?)Vraiment? (Really?)Pardon! (Pardon me, sorry)Excusez-moi (Excuse me)Ça Va? (How’s it going?, How are you?)Salut! (Hi!)Coucou! (Hi!)Aïe! (Ouch!)Très bien (Good thanks. All good)À tes Souhait! (Bless you, Gesundheit)Bien Venue à Paris (Welcome to Paris)Bien Venue au France (Welcome to France)Bonjour, comment tu t’appelles? (Hello, What’s your name?)Bonjour, quel est votre nom? (Hello, What’s your name?)D'où viens-tu (Where are you from?) (Informal)D'où venez-vous? (Where are you from?) (Formal)Est-ce que je peux t'aider? (Can I help you?) (Informal)Est-ce que je peux vous aidez? (Can I help you?) (Formal)Où habites-tu? (Where do you live?) (Informal)Où habitez-vous? (Where do you live?) (Formal)Ou vas-tu? (Where are you going?) (Informal)Quel âge as-tu? (How old are you?) (Informal)Quel âge avez-vous? (How old are you?) (Formal)Common Numbers: 1-10,10-100, 500, 1000, 5000, 1,000,000257 FilesTime: 11:30 (Approx)Sample Rate: 44100Bit Rate: 24 BitBPM: n/aLoops seamlessly: No (Single audio files)