Easy login system with leaderboard for PlayFab with Google Saving and Login
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Easily add leaderboard from Playfab synced with Google Play Games Services and save the Player's Data.Easily, add the functionality of Google login to enhance your UI/UX and backup your user data from Google Saving functionality.Also, Automatically login to PlayFab when the user login to Google Play Games and Assign their Name and Picture (Avatar), and add Leaderboard into your game.Just make a new design or use our template for leaderboard and just add PlayerValueAssigner to the design for single entry of leaderboard.Very simple UI for leaderboard is given for better understanding.Easily change the highscore or any other value just by calling the Changestatsvalue(100) function.No need for Google FirebaseVery Little Coding RequiredOur top priority is helping you succeed. If you ever need help with our asset, we're here to assist. Click hereUnity Version: AllSupported OS: AndroidTested on 2021.3.6Features:Simple no need to do many changesGoogle Play Games AuthenticationGoogle Play Games Save and LoadPlayFab login with Google Play Games (Automatically)PlayFab Leaderboard with Player data (You can easily customize your design of leaderboard as you wish and just assign data to the Prefab of your Design)