This pack includes Low Poly 10 Warplanes.This pack includes Low Poly 10 Warplanes.1 UAV, 2 Helicopters, 2 Jets, 6 Warplanes. Ready to your Mobile & PC war games. The wings of the planes are splitBayraktar TB2ChinookF15F18FokkerKamovLockheedMesserschmittNieuportP51dSupermarineBayraktar TB2: 4300 PolygonsChinook: 8900 PolygonsF15: 9300 PolygonsF18: 6200 PolygonsFokker: 8600 PolygonsKamov: 10770 PolygonsLockheed: 16450 PolygonsMesserschmitt: 4300 PolygonsNieuport: 7700 PolygonsP51d: 3450 PolygonsSupermarine: 3900 PolygonsUV Texture: NoMaterial: YesTexture: NoRigging: NoAnimation: No