Entity framework-inspired SQLite ORM and generic DB repo manager.
Query your data with LINQ, set up foreign key relationships, and manage your data with entity-framework-like syntax!GRU is both an ORM for SQLlite and an in-editor database manager.Unlike many other SQLite assets out there, GRU actually supports the usage of foreign keys and entity-framework-like syntaxes (see technical details for more). It works on many different platforms and probably covers 99% of your data management needs, regardless of the type of project you're working on. Whether a mobile app that handles user data or an inventory system for a PC game, GRU will have you covered!It detects DB table classes in your assemblies and then auto-generates DB repos and interfaces accordingly. It comes with a bunch of different editor extensions and helpers that allow you to integrate with popular third-party DB tools.The loosely coupled codebase was written using one of the best practices and industry standards, making it easy for developers to extend and customize its features even further if needed.GRU allows you to write queries like:entity.Include(x=>x.propA).ThenInclude(x=>x.propAChildProp)entity.Select(x=>x.propA).OrderBy(x=>x.something).ToList()entities.Where(x=>x.something).FirstOrDefault()Code first approach to SQLite DB managementEasily extend from GRU's EntityBase classSet up foreign key relationships, indexes, column constraints, and more using attributesManage your databases and DB repositories using custom editorsBuilt-in Validation rules and messages:so that we don't leave you wondering why some editor button is disabledto alert you if you try deleting something that you might not want to delete (like db handler in the scene)The "Hook" approach to referencing DB reposmakes connecting to a database (from anywhere!) a matter of writing a one-liner in your Start method!Supports integration with free, popular, third-party DB programs, directly from the inspector!Sqlite browserDb Schema Demo scene with 10 basic CRUD examples and "bookshop" example databaseCrossPlatform solution (works on PCs, androids, iOS...)Covered with 65+ unit tests that allow you to extend the package even further without worrying about breaking the existing code baseDetailed user documentation