Tutorial Fade is an easy-to-implement solution for creating tutorials that allows you to highlight UI elements or 3D renderers, allowing the user to click only on the highlighted elements.DOCUMENTATIONTutorial Fade is an easy-to-implement solution for creating tutorials that allows you to highlight UI elements or 3D renderers, allowing the user to click only on the highlighted elements. Moreover, Tutorial Fade supports multiple objects highlighting unlike to most other solutions.😊Most important thing is that you don't even need to modify your existing game code!Tutorial Fade doesn't have any additional editors, only couple of components you can use any way you want.👌You can easily extend UI Tutorial Fade for your specific case.Built on top of UGUI with C# and ShaderLab, Tutorial Fade will work on all Unity-supported platforms, including mobile and VR!Please write me an email to abu.amir@mail.ru if you have any issues or feedback❤️DOCUMENTATIONFEATURESThe Tutorial Fade lets you create beautiful tutorial fade effectFade prevents clicking on not highlighed objectsNo code required. Only two simple Unity ComponentsSupports multiple objects highlightingYou can highlight both RectTransforms and simple renderer in 3D (Mesh, Particle or anything)No additional editors or pipelines, just a couple of components.Tutorial fade is simple and lighweight solution, that you can easily extend