Toy vehicles that transport passengers and cargo for your mobile game. In this asset you will find toy trains and wagons in life size for your game, several houses, railway tracks from which you can build any routes, environment elements, railway stations and other decorative objects. Models in this asset are not animated. It is possible to use Unlit material.Other works with a compatible texture atlas: Mobile low poly vehiclesMobile low poly city buildingsPolycount (tris): - Props:Barrier - 136Bench - 132Call_Box - 220Electric_Pole - 108End_of_the_Rail - 52Fence - 44Field - 10Information_Desk - 60Railway_Station_Sign - 133Railway_Traffic_Light - 310Railway_Traffic_Sign - 108Semaphore - 166Station_Clock - 148Street_lamp - 274Wooden_Logs - 684Wooden_Planks - 320 - Cargo:Cargo_Cement - 2940Cargo_Coal - 76Cement_Bag - 30Shipping_Container_A (B) - 186 - Trains:Carriage_Box - 790Carriage_Can - 832Carriage_Dump - 806Carriage_Flat - 582Carriage_Hopper - 878Carriage_Open 838Carriage_Pass_A - 1300Carriage_Pass_B - 1200Carriage_Pass_C -1294Carriage_Platform_A - 566Carriage_Tank_A - 668Carriage_Tank_B - 826Electric_Express - 1126Electric_Express_Pass - 918Electric_Locomotive_A - 1409Electric_Locomotive_B - 1082Electric_Locomotive_C - 1199Steam_Engine_A - 1074Steam_Engine_B - 1142Steam_Engine_C - 1047 - Railway Lines:rom 144 to 740 segment - Train Stations:Cargo_Platform - 170Train_Platform - 216Train_Station_A - 780Train_Station_B - 1516Train_Station_C - 420Train_Station_D - 1188 - Buildings: Church - 531House_M_A - 142House_M_B - 134House_M_C - 142House_L_A - 226House_L_B - 226House_L_C - 226House_X_A - 304House_X_B - 266House_XL_A - 338House_XL_B - 338Railway_Depot - 626Railway_Depot_B - 2164Sawmill - 1354Signal_Box - 932Town_Hall - 886Windmill - 468Number of textures: 2 (General atlas and field texture)