A full set of animations to bring an old lady character to life.Includes 8-directional locomotion (walk and fast walk), turns, jump sequence (forward and in place), dialogue anims, sitting (with enter and exits), drinking tea, various idles (boogie, backache, feeding birds), and a give item sequence. Also includes attacks and staggers so granny can fight if she has to.Looking for more NPC anims? Check out our Vendors and Customers and Waiter packs.Looking for more horror anims? Check out our Ghost, Demon, Zombie, Werewolf, Vampire, and Chainsaw packs.Total Animations: 69Attack 3Idle 10Jump 11Movement 21Sit 8Stagger 8Talk 8Disclaimerblueprints for any game play not included, this is strictly an asset packcharacter models from the promotional video and images not included