2D Animation Spritesheet's of a CrowTechnical Details:-- Total Spritesheets : 10- Character Variations : 2- Animations for each characters : 5(Fly_02, Fly_02, Attack, Death, Low_health)- Character : Crow, Wizard Crow- Sheet Resolution and Frames count: Fly_01 - 2788 x 2400 (12)Fly_02 - 697 x 1600 (2)Attack - 3485 x 1600 (10)Death - 697 x 1600 (2)Low_health - 3485 x 1600 (10)Features:-- Two character variations- Smooth animations- Prefabs included- Unique Animations- High quality images- Mobile supported- Demo scenes includedHow to use:-Simply drag and drop any Spritesheet animation from the Prefab (Crow_2D > Prefabs) folder to you scene and use it.Contact : srstudioskerala@gmail.com