Survival Props Pack Vol.1Survival Props Pack Vol.1 contains 80 props that can be used to start any type of survival game, post apocalyptic or horror games.All assets are AAA category and ready to be used for VR,PC and Consoles.Pack includes:- Allen Box - Allen Wrench - Backpack - Ball Peen - Hammer - Bandage Roll- Bat Aluminum - Bat Wood - Battery - Bench Vise - Bolt - box wrench set - Can Soup- Candle - Caplets - Chair - Claw Hammer - Cleaver- Compass - Cork board - Crowbar - Drainpipe - Fire Axe - Fire Extinguisher- First Aid Kit - Flashlight - Flashlight Camping - Fluorescent Lamp - Fuel Tank- Generator - Globe - Hammer Sledge - Key Rings - Keys - Kitchen Knife- Laptop - Magnifier - Map - Matchbox - Medicine Box - Metal Door- Nail - Notebook - Nut - Oil Lamp - Old Keys - PadLock - Pencil - Photo - Pill Bottle - Pipe Wrench - Plastic Stackable - Plier Linesman - Plier Tongue & Groove - Instant Camera - Instant Filme - Poster Frame - Radio - Scissors - Screwdriver Cruciform- Screwdriver FlatHead - Screwdriver Phillips - Screws - Shelf - Shovel- Table - Tin Can - Tire Iron - Tool Box - Walkie Talkie - Wall Clock - Waste Can- Water Bottle - Window - Workbench Garage - Wrench Combination- Wrench Open Ended- Metal LighterThe package contains:100+ Fbx models106 prefabs with colliders194 High Quality Textures (2K)80+ PBR MaterialsOptimized 3D ModelsBaked GIPost Processing Setup1 demo scene with lightmapBuilt-in render pipeline:- Install Post Processing from Package Manager