This is a package of high-quality cliffs and rocks suitable for a variety of environments. Every model includes LODs to allow for better performance.PBR textures with 4K resolution for the cliffs and 2K for the rocks.The models were made to be modular and easy to use.All demo scenes and their extra models are included.Demo Scenes are renderd in HDRPPackage Contains:20 Cliffs5 Scattered small rocks3 Pebble modelsThis package includes:20 Cliffs5 Scattered small rocks (small rocks scattered and combined in a single mesh)3 Pebble models (single meshes)Mesh:High-Poly models whith LODs.Polycounts for cliffs start from 250k-100k for LOD 0 and go down to 50k-10k, cliffs have 4 LODs and seperate optimized collider meshesPolycounts for scattered rocks start from 20k-10k for LOD 0 and go down to 2k-1k, have 3 LODsPolycounts for pebble models start from 50-20 for LOD 0 and go down to 10, have 2 LODsTwo types of prefabs for cliffs:First is High-detailed that includes LOD 0, you can use those when you have a close up or using a cliff as a focus in a scene.Second starts with lower polycount, use for everything else.Textures:PBR texturesAll Cliffs have textures with 4K resolution.Scattered rocks have textures with 2K resolution.Pebble models have textures with 1K resolution.Textures for all models include:AlbedoNormal MapMask map (which includes)Ambient OcclusionMetalicSmoothnessAll demo scenes and their extra models are included.Demo Scenes are renderd in HDRP