Stylized 3D Modular Environment Kit - URP
Agarthean Studios
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A Stylized 3D modular kit for building stylized environments such as lakes, forests, fields, and villages.A kit that provides various particle effects, terrain textures, and a modular workflow for creating villages.Contains:Terrain Textures,8 Particle Effects,300 and above FBX models and their respective prefabs for bulding modules from props to stairs and windows and an animated water wheel,LOD for multiple foliage,And custom shader graphs that are highly customizeable and are used to create water and foliage materials.Package includes a demo scene and a showroom for all the assets combined.Skybox not included!!WOOD : 5 - 120 FacesWALLSWhole - 6 FacesHalf - 6 FacesQuarter - 6 FacesTriangle - 8 FacesTriangle Half - 5 FacesSTONE BRICKS : 17 - 620 FacesROOF SHINGLES : 12 - 1,219 FacesMETAL : 6 - 738 FacesGLASS : 6 - 18 FacesWINDOW FRAMES : 16 - 112 FacesWINDOW SHEDS : 258 - 632 FacesFRAMED WALLSFramed Walls Quarter - 32 - 98 FacesFramed Walls Half - 32 - 106 FacesFramed Walls Whole - 32 - 98 FacesFramed Walls Triangle - 26 - 100 FacesFramed Walls Triangle Half - 26 - 60 FacesFRAMED ROOFS : 1,140 - 10,915 FacesDOORS : 486 - 4,665 FacesDOOR FRAMES : 24 - 1,316 FacesSTONE WALLSStone Walls Quarter - 2,254 - 3,557 FacesStone Walls Half - 4,502 - 5,805 FacesStone Walls Whole - 8,998 - 11,593 FacesBEAMS AND ARCHESArches - 800 - 5,672 FacesBeams - 432 - 6,292 FacesSTAIRS : 66 - 1,270 FacesLADDER : 60 FacesWINDOWS : 22 - PROPSBarrel = 932 FacesBenches = 612 - 1,722 FacesChairs = 102 - 132 FacesChimneys = 4,666 - 6,005 FacesContainers = 72 FacesCrate = 672 FacesDirections Stands = 6 - 26 FacesFences = 18 - 30 FacesFlower Pots = 30 - 1,538 FacesLamps = 106 - 682 FacesLamp Post = 260 - 3,549 FacesPortal = 1,001 FacesSigns = 126 - 140 FacesTables = 120 - 326 FacesVinyard Stand = 90 FacesWater Wheel = 1,634 FacesWell = 4,119 FacesWood Accent = 109 FacesBRIDGES : 8,604 - 8,972 FacesFOLIAGEDRIP LEAF LOD0 = 25 Faces LOD1 = 14 FacesFLOWERSFlower 1 LOD0 = 56 Faces LOD1 = 8 FacesFlower 2 LOD0 = 49 Faces LOD1 = 7 FacesFlower 3 LOD0 = 78 Faces LOD1 = 42 FacesFlower 4 LOD0 = 56 Faces LOD1 = 8 FacesFlower 5 LOD0 = 42 Faces LOD1 = 6 FacesFlower 6 LOD0 = 63 Faces LOD1 = 9 FacesGRASS LOD0 = 64 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesHORSETAIL LOD0 = 12 Faces LOD1 = 8 FacesLEAF : 8 FacesLILY FLOWER : 155 FacesLILY PADS : 2 FacesLILY PAD FLOWER : 157 FacesPLANTSPlant 1 LOD0 = 32 Faces LOD1 = 2 FacesPlant 2 LOD0 = 64 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesPlant 3 LOD0 = 45 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesPlant 4 LOD0 = 36 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesPlant 5 LOD0 = 36 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesREEDS LOD0 = 32 Faces LOD1 = 2 FacesSEAGRASSSeagrass 1 LOD0 = 64 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesSeagrass 2 LOD0 = 64 Faces LOD1 = 4 FacesVINES : 1,394 - 2,262 FacesTREESTree 1 LOD0 = 3,696 FacesLOD1 = 1,563 FacesTree 2 LOD0 = 2,298 FacesLOD1 = 660 FacesTree 3 LOD0 = 2,094 FacesLOD1 = 906 FacesTree 4 LOD0 = 2,788 FacesLOD1 = 1,653 FacesTree 5 LOD0 = 2,888 FacesLOD1 = 1,501 FacesROCKS : 64 - 141 facesCRYSTALS : 35 - 263 facesBUSHESBush 1 LOD0 = 375 FacesLOD1 = 188 FacesBush 2 LOD0 = 655 FacesLOD1 = 228 FacesBush 3 LOD0 = 655 FacesLOD1 = 228 FacesBush 4 LOD0 = 655 FacesLOD1 = 468 FacesBush 5 LOD0 = 655 FacesLOD1 = 228 FacesBush 6 LOD0 = 655 FacesLOD1 = 231 FacesBush 7 LOD0 = 655 FacesLOD1 = 228 Faces