LED Screen Shader is a shader that draws realistic LED panels on Unity's Scriptable (URP & HDRP) and Built-in render pipelines.
LED Screen Shaderは高品質なLEDパネルを表現するシェーダーです。Note: Currently URP and HDRP is the target render pipeline since it's developed with Shader Graph. Please be careful that the built-in shader is also included with minimum functionality implemented.## FeaturesArchieve highly-detailed LED screen panel look to the objectWorked with all render pipelinesNote: built-in shader is also included with minimum functionality implemented.Screen Brightness adjustmentIncluded multiple led panel texturesBlending the LED texture according to the distance from the camera to prevents unintensional moiré effects.## NotesOptimized for Linear Color Space. It could be used in Gamma Color Space but the bright area tend to be clamped.The combination use of Bloom Post-Processing is recommended.This shader includes com.needle.shadergraph-markdown's markdown version of the shader interface. If you want to use clean UI version you need the package to be installed.## FAQI have applied the shader in HDRP environment but there is no videothe environment is too bright. please increate Intensity MultiplierThe shader doesn't work in HDRP environment.If you have render problems in HDRP, please check/uncheck Recursive Rendering option in Shader Graph Editor.Let me know if you have any suggestions and problems.Projects in useVALIS - Guzo Nightmare : used in the background stageApply with selecting Shadergraph/LEDScreenShader on the material you want to project.InputVideoApply the texture you want to project to the panel. You can put a video via RenderTexture.パネルに投影するテクスチャを適用します。IntensityMultiplierパネルに投影する映像の明るさを調整します。通常の環境化では1から10の数値を入力します。Adjust the brightness intensity of the LED panels. Normally 0 to 10 will be the appropriate numbers.LED TextureThe package include several LED Texture.LEDのテクスチャを適用します。このパッケージにはいくつかのサンプルが含まれています。Set the LED texture. This texture will be multiplied by the InputVideo.BaseTexture/NormalTexture/AlphaMap/MaskMapThis is the base material setting for the panel. Metalic and Smoothness will be multiplied to MaskMap.パネルのベースマテリアルを設定します。Tiling/OffsetSets the number of tiles and offset of the LED panel.LEDテクスチャのタイリングを設定します。DistantFadeStart/EndFades the LED texture according to the distance from the camera. This prevents moiré effects.カメラからの距離に従ってLEDテクスチャを無効化します。これによってモアレ効果を防ぐことができます。DistantFadeBrightnessDistantFadeによって明るさの変化が生じたときに、HDRカラーで明るさを調整することが出来ます。This value allows you to adjust the brightness change caused by the fading of the LED texture.Grid parameters are currently disabled due to quality issue.