Editor Tools for Git™ SCM Collaboration (on Win/Mac/Linux)
Firesplash Entertainment
Jump AssetStore
This Tool enables simplified usage of Git™ for version control of your unity projects right inside the unity editor and is a best fit for existing Git-Users!This asset creates a new editor window "Git" that contains some basic information about your current repository state as well as the basic functions to stage, commit, push and pull changes in a local and to/from a remote repository.Further - as we know that especially artists often are a bit overwhelmed of the complexity of git - we created an intelligent One-Click-Solution that will combine all the usual steps for committing a new revision and pushing it to the remote repository.Most assets will be marked with status icons when they have been changed or when someone else pushed a commit, to let you know, which files have been changed remotely. Don't have your project in a git repository yet? Git Collaboration Tool V2 allows to push an unlinked repository/branch to your remote repository with the ease of a few mouse clicks (depending on the remote state)!Also there is a quick link to open the git bash if you happen to need advanced control at some point.Is this plugin good for me?This asset is developed on and for Windows but MacOS and Linux are supported, too (minor regressions may apply) and requires Git (from git-scm.com) to be installed and configured correctly on your system. You should configure Git in a way that it does not need interactive credential input.However, on request of some V1 customers we implemented a User/Password credential dialog but most providers will not accept user/password authentication anyways these days.The asset includes documentation on how to correctly set up git (on windows, because on linux this is the standard) but if you are an unexperienced user, expect this to take some time depending on your average computer skills.How to be sure if I can use the asset?Clone your repository using Git Bash (or the git command itself on your linux terminal) and make sure that there is no need to enter credentials. Usually you'll want to use the SSH-URL for cloning and will want to configure SSH-Key-Authentication. If that works, the Tool should work without hassle!Currenty the asset does not actively support branching - that means it will not offer functions for creating, switching and merging branches. However you can of course work in branches, you will only have to control the branch selection and merging manually using git bash.If demand is there, leave us a message and we will put branching on our ToDo list.If you were a customer on Verison 1 of this asset, be assured that we massively improved the asset with new features and much better overall performance and stability. V1 customers will get the V2 version at a very low upgrade fee as a thankyou.With this asset you can conveniently control your installed Git software from the Unity Editor.You can graphically......Stage changes...Commit...Pull from remote...Push to remote...Connect a remote...Add files and folders to .gitignore...See if files have been changed/staged/remotely editedThe plugin supports......working locally...syncing with an origin repository...marking files in the project tree when they were remotely changed...showing the list of changes right in the editor...marking changed files and folders right in the project view...warning you when closing the editor without pushing the changes...warning you when there were remote changes at startup and on project updates...installing a default gitignores file...initializing and updating submodules (adding new submodules requires using git bash)This asset is currently only fully supported on windows.We include experimental support for MacOS and Linux but some of the convenience features (like opening git bash from the editor) might not work. We are still improving MacOS/Linux support and would be happy to hear yor thoughts about it.