Please read all info before buy! Package price may go up as it takes updates...Requires Unity 2021.3.0f1 and above with URPPackage has a doc here but all help will be pass to you via skype or discord :)Package includes several other packages as free:URP Mirror ShadersURP Car Paint ShaderURP PBR Decal ShadersURP Rotatable Box Projection ProbesURP PBR Geometry ShadersFeatures:1. All AR-VR ready (Please look into "Mirror Shaders" docs for supported devices and modes for VR)!2. Supports Forward and Deferred Rendering3. Simple Motion Blur (can be adjust according to speed etc. and depth based)4. Car Paint custom pass to not blur car with background.5. Depth and Decal custom pass to draw decals dynamically.6. Rain drop pass to simulate drops on screen (like a post process).7. Speed related rim blur (needs extra meshes and textures, fakes the motion via replacing them :))8. Fake volumetric lights (very cheap - light beams)9. Using decals to simulate shadows and lights (no shadow pass on screens)10. Planar reflections with a lot of customizations.11. 3 colors car paint shader to create perfect cars with extra texture slots like liveries, decals, dirt and flakes.12. Custom PBR decal system to create dynamic decals on design view or on runtime.13. Geometry shaders to create dynamic visuals on meshes.Known Bugs or WIP (Work in Progress) Items:1. Does not support MSAA on Forward Pass (bug)2. World space UI can be drawn behind the car paint (bug)3. Geometry shaders not implemented for car paint right now (WIP)IMPORTANT: All car-track-garage models used in package are just for demo purposes. Please contact me for if you wanna use them in commercial apps-games etc.