60 ambiences, ready to make your projects sound like a dark future.A lite (free) version is avaliable! You can view it hereView the file listListen to the previewThis package contains 60 ambiences that fits for the style of dark sci-fi/cyberpunk games. From huge spaces to noisy and glitchy computers on a small room, a lot of options is avaliable to help your projects get into the future.The sounds are organized inside the 4 main folders below, making it easier to find the right option.LongSpaces - Contains 15 ambiences focused on long and infinite spaces, planet atmospheres, cutscenes and more.LargeRooms - Contains 15 ambiences focused on large rooms and halls with machines working, radiation, loud noises and scary robots.MediumSpaces - Contains 15 ambiences focused on medium rooms and open areas with wind noises, computers, weird textures, small robotic creatures and more.SmallSpaces - Contains 15 ambiences focused on small rooms and spaces with broken machines, spaceship cockpits, metal objects, glitchy computers, noisy signals and closer elements.Note: All files are organized this way so it is easy to find them, but you can also use the sounds in any way you like inside your projects.Duration of each sound: 1min. 30sFormat: 24bit wav; 48000HzAll files are stereo and loopable.