Forget about reference validation and focus instead on important things!
Validatox is a package created to help developers handle references in the easiest and most powerful way possible.Validatox is a lightweight tool that allows for reference and assets validation.MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObjects missing references can be very difficult to spot. Objects with broken references can cause crashes and execeptions. Moreover, broken references are easy to spot only when the functionality they refer to is tested.In a situation in which a specific object with a broken reference is not tested, the problem can go unnoticed. This highly increase the probability of building/shipping a game with some severe problems embedded in it.Each developer has its own naming convention logic and, when working with multiple developers, these conventions can be lost. Use Validatox to ensure naming convention rules and implement fixes to automatically apply them.Validatox is able to validate and fix project problems and more, allowing the developer to focus on important stuff. Integrating with any custom build pipeline, it is possible to make sure no broken builds are shipped.Official WikiWhich awesome things can you do with Validatox?Allow MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObjects fields to be globally validated simply by marking them with an attributeWrite custom validators for any script and logicEasily fix problems in the Editor. Define custom fixes depending on the need of your projectEnable automatic batch fixing: fixes can be applies automatically to objects in order to fix problems automaticallyCheck your project validation status with the Hub, an editor window that collects all the validators in the scene and reports the issuesOverride basic functionalities for field reference validation in order to better fit your needsExtend the advanced custom editor class for validators in order to create custom inspectors for your validators with few to no line of codeValidate objects in every scene, even not loaded ones: no more hidden broken references problemsAutomatic integration with your own build pipeline: no more broken builds!For more info check out the official Wiki