Native Text Input for Mobile Web GamesPop Input uses native browser pop-ups to interact with Unity’s Input fields. This has a number of advantages, most critically of course mobile touch keyboard support in Web GL builds, a feature that should have long been native in Unity.Pop Input is lightweight, easy to integrate into your project, and intended to save you hours of valuable development time.To get started, simply add the component “Web GL Input Helper" to an input field, and (For Android Chrome Support) replace your event system with the "Web Compatible Event System".Check out our demo hereCheck out the documentation hereFeatures:Web Copy and Paste SupportAutocorrect SupportWeb Touch Keyboard SupportSpecial Characters and Languages SupportNEW: Supports both Input SystemsThis Plugin has been verified for all major browsers, on both desktop and mobile devices.Please let us know should you encounter issues or incompatibilities.How it WorksThis plugin is designed to be a lightweight native implementation, to be as undisruptive but adaptable as possible. When a Web-compatible input field is clicked, we call a JS function that creates a native browser pop-up prompt dialog. The current value in the text input field is parsed as a parameter, as well as the “salted” name of the sending input field.CaveatsFull-ScreenIf your Web GL application runs in full-screen, the full-screen mode will be exited in some browsers by invoking a pop-up. Since full-screen is not supported on mobile Web GL this should in most cases not be an issue.Pop-upThis plugin relies on pop-ups. If used in a very text-input-heavy game, this might become annoying to players. Consider a different plugin if your game requires very frequent text input on mobile devices.Features:Web Copy and Paste SupportAutocorrect SupportWeb Touch Keyboard SupportSpecial Characters and Languages Support