Polaris Mini is a lightweight tool to convert your existing terrains to optimized mesh prefab which will greatly improve your game performance, especially on low end platforms.KEY FEATURESExport terrain as mesh prefab: All components needed (Renderer, Material, Collider, LOD, etc) are already setup, just drag and drop the prefab to the scene.Adaptive mesh: The mesh can adapt to the height map complexity, less polygon at plain areas, more polygon at rough areas. A huge save to vertex memory.Mesh splitting: The terrain will be cut into several smaller chunks to get around the 65k vertex limit.Up to 4 LODs: Seamless transition between LOD, no gap!XZ displacement: Offset the vertex on XZ plane to break the uniform look.Holes support: Cut the polygons away for the hole, add more polygon to emphasize the hole edge. No need to setup triggers for hole interaction.Hard/smooth normals: Cover both low poly & stylized shading style.Merge UV: Collapse the polygon's UV for sharp color.2 material variants: Use splat textures (4 layers without normal maps) or use albedo/metallic map.Runtime conversion: Convert terrain at runtime using the TerrainToMeshConverter class.*Tree & detail export is NOT supported at the moment.SUPPORTED RENDER PIPELINESStandard RP.Universal RP.Other RP needs material binding setup.REQUIREMENTSUnity 2020.3+PACKAGE DEPENDENCYThe following package is required for the tool to work:Mathematics (com.unity.mathematics)COMMUNITYWebsite | Facebook | Twitter (X) | YouTube | ContactOUR NEWEST PRODUCTVista - An advanced procedural terrain editor using graph-based and non-destructive workflow, with a robust biome system. It give you total control in your hands to create lively terrains with realistic simulations.