20 unique models of generic tools, each featuring 3 different PBR texture levels of wear: Clean, Dirty, and Rusty.Generic tools commonly found at home. All models have have 3 alternate texture sets representing clean, dirty, and rusty wear, allowing them to fit into any environemnt required, whether it be the clean janitorial closet of a fancy hotel or a radioactive appocalyptic wasteland.The Items included are:PipeCrowbarPipe WrenchCrescent WrenchCombination WrenchOpen-Ended WrenchHammerSix Inch NailPhilips Head ScrewdriverFlathead ScrewdriverSledge HammerMill FileTape MeasureTire WrenchRubber MalletSquare ToolLevelSlip Joint PliersPaint BrushTool BoxSome models share texture maps these include: The Philips Head Screwdriver and Flathead Screwdriver; The Hammer and the Six Inch Nail; and the Combination Wrench and the Open-Ended Wrench.Some of the models also include alternate varients of their texture sets including a small faux logo titled "Tough Tools". These textures are: the Pipe Wrench, Crescent Wrench, Combination Wrench, Open-Ended Wrench, Tape Measure, Square Tool, Level, and Tool Box.The Hammer and Pipe also include bonus alternate textures: Metal, Plastic, or Wooden handles on the Hammer, Wooden and Plastic handles on the Screwdrivers, and Lead or Copper versions of the Pipe.Models are not rigged, but pivots have been placed for tools that have opposable parts including: The Pipe Wrenches Jaw and Nob, the Crescent Wrenches Jaw and Screw, the Tape Measure's Locking Switch, the Slip Joint Pliers two halves, and the Toolbox's Lid and Lock.Number of Models: 20 MeshesNumber of Prefabs: 96 PrefabsNumber of Textures: 84 Texture Sets (including 20 Clean, 20 Dirty, and 20 Rusty variants plus 21 alternates with sudo logos) and 17 original mesh map sets.Types of Materials and Texture Maps:PBR (HDRP Textures: Albedo, Metallic/Occlusion, Normal)Mesh Maps: (Ambient Occlusion, Curvature, Normal Base, Position, Thickness, and World Space NormalsTexture Dimensions: 2048x2048UV mapping: Yes, non-overlappingRigging: NoAnimation: NoPolygon Count:Pipe: 772 trisCrowbar: 300 trisPipe Wrench: 1272 trisCrescent Wrench: 834 trisCombination Wrench: 412 trisOpen-Ended Wrench: 364 trisHammer: 676 trisSix Inch Nail: 80 trisPhilips Head Screwdriver: 476 trisFlathead Screwdriver: 460 trisSledge Hammer: 1000 trisMill File: 626 trisTape Measure: 594 trisTire Wrench: 384 trisRubber Mallet: 552 trisSquare Tool: 108 trisLevel: 716 trisSlip Joint Pliers: 728 trisPaint Brush: 368 trisTool Box: 1102 trisLOD information: None