HQ 2D Game Kit allows users to begin creating high quality 2d games whilst saving large amounts of timeCharacter Controller- Customisable movement system- Acceleration / Deceleration- Customisable jump height- Customisable jump amount- Dash ability- Sliding when dashing crouched- Customisable dash force- Crouch system- Grapple hook system- Particle effects- Camera zoom in and out systemWater & Swimming- When inside water vertical input is enabled allowing the player to move in all 4 directions. Gravity and drag in water can be customised aswell as the speeds you move atWind Zones- Vertical wind zones which boost the player higher into the air- Horizontal wind zones which send the player flying in the right directionFalling Platforms- Falling platforms once the player stands on them after a set amount of time they fall. You can customise the time before they fallPortals- Portals work with any object not just the player anoything can be sent through them such as props and even bullets.Coin System- The player can pickup coins that are displayed in the corner of the screen. The value is saved and stored even when you exit the scene or game.Key & Door- You can pickup keys which can be used to unlock doors. Once the key is picked up you carry it around until you go upto the door which then turns green and you can go throughDialog system- This allows NPC'S to speak when they get close to the player. You can customise what they say the speed they say it and the distance required to trigger it.Character ControllerWater & SwimmingWind ZonesFalling PlatformsPortalsCoin SystemKey & DoorDialog system