Creepy Lullabies contains 10 creepy and spine-chilling lullabies that will make your players never sleep again. These scary compositions will absorb the player in the terrifying game you are creating.Creepy Lullabies by Arya of Terror is compatible with every version of Unity.Creepy Lullabies by Arya of Terror contains 10 creepy and spine-chilling lullabies that will make sure your players never sleep again. These scary and nostalgic compositions will bring your game to the next level and absorb the player in the terrifying world you are creating.Listen to the themes here: https://soundcloud.com/aryaofterror/sets/creepy-lullabiesWe warmly invite you to leave a sincere and constructive review on the Unity Asset Store Package Page. Thank you!What’s Inside? This asset package features 5 frightening horror soundtracks, each with their own layers, parts and ending audio files.Main Folder - As soon as you open the asset package you’re going to see the ten creepy lullabies carefully named and at a resolution of 44.1kHz, 16 bits. Among the audio files you’ll find the MP3 folder and the README file, which we encoruage you to read.MP3 Folder - The MP3 folder contains .mp3 compressed versions of our 10 creepy lullabies. We always add an .mp3 version to our sample packs, for ease of use and fast prototyping.“We hope you’ll find this package useful while making your game. Don't let the bed bugs bite!”Arya of TerrorAll .WAV audio samples in this asset package have the following resolution:Sample Rate - 44.1kHz.Bit Rate - 16 bit.All .MP3 audio samples in this asset package have the following resolution:Sample Rate - 44.1kHzBit Rate - 320 kbpsAdditional InformationAll Creepy Lullabies are NOT loopable.All Audio files are stereo.