A simple API to read XML data from RSS feeds.💡 Easy To Use ― Modern RSS Reader was designed to flexible and easy to use. Simply set the URL, and get the XML elements you need, in less than 5 minutes! Settings are intuitively named, with detailed tooltips, and full source code included, so you can modify the asset to suit any project's needs.💡 Lightning Fast ― This lightweight asset has been highly optimized using the latest C# features and Unity optimization techniques, allowing you to download as many RSS feeds as you like. Enjoy the quickest performance with the lowest overhead costs.💡 Get Any XML Element ― We currently support the widest range of XML elements compared to any other Unity RSS reader, covering over 99.9% of use cases. Modern RSS Reader has been tested with thousands of live RSS/XML feeds to ensure all elements are covered by our asset.💡 Comprehensive Demo ― Modern RSS Reader includes demo scenes that cover a wide range of use cases and each feature. These scenes are modeled to resemble real-life scenarios, with detailed description text of every component and setting being used.💡 Extremely Flexible ― This asset was designed for all types of projects and RSS feeds. This means you can get feeds online or locally, small or large, containing any XML element, for use in 2D or 3D applications, in any rendering pipeline, with support for all text rendering systems including TextMeshPro.💡 World Class Support ― Like all of our other assets, Modern RSS Reader comes with regular lifetime updates, 24/7 email support, Discord community support, fully commented and clean source code, comprehensive demo scenes, and detailed documentation. Thank you to every who has provided feedback so far!💡 Realtime Editor Preview ― Instantly see what your RSS feed looks like in the editor window before you compile your game. The asset saves you time by verifying the XML document structure before you compile, giving you back precious time during early development by identifying errors in the RSS feed if there are any.💡 Integration ― No dependencies needed, works out of the box with any text system, including TMPro. Supported for iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Mac, WebGL, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Oculus, Android TV, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, ARCore, Google Stadia, Microsoft HoloLens, and Magic Leap. How's that for ya?Download the best RSS Reader for Unity today!Supported OS:iOSAndroidWindowsLinuxMacWebGLPS4PS5Xbox OneXboxSupported Unity Versions:2021.3.0+2020.3.0+2019.4.0+