An easy-to-use sound manager for small projects and game jams!S4 is as the name implies, a super simple way to go about adding sounds to your game. You can still have some control but when playing a sound, but it can be as simple as _soundSource.PlaySound("Sparks");. The system is not super robust, it does extend unity's sound system but not in any major ways. It only adds common functionality such as crossfade, global sounds, sound positioning, etc. It's meant to be simple to get a game's sound up and running. Perfect for game Jams and smaller games.There is also a subtitle/closed captioning engine that you can simply drag into your scene and it will start to show the subtitles added to any of the sounds. Crossfade for a single global music trackGlobal sound effectsPlaying sounds at certain positionsAutomatically destroying sounds once they're done playingClosed Captioning/SubtitlesSound management