RTS Engine module that allows to save and load the progress of a RTS game.The Save System is a module for the RTS Engine asset!Guide | ChangelogDemoStandalone Demo (Windows): Includes multiplayer and single player game modes for a simple RTS game where the goal of each faction is eliminate other factions in a game. The demo also includes the ability to save a game's progress through the pause menu, demonstrating the features of the Save System for the RTS Engine.Module FeaturesSave and load the state of game services, faction slots, entities and entity components.Customize the path, organization and format of the save files.Offers UI handling for saving the game and a game loader menu where saved game files are inspected and can be loaded.Comes with interfaces that can be implemented by your custom game services and entity components to load and save their state.-----RTS EngineThe Unity RTS Engine is a framework that includes essential tools and systems necessary to create a Real Time Strategy game. It manages maps, units, buildings, resources, building placement, movement, UI, tasks, AI, combat, singleplayer, multiplayer and much more! Create your RTS game easily from the editor, making your models come to life by dragging and dropping components and configuring properties on the inspector.The RTS Engine comes with an API that allows you to customize the behavior of the asset even further as well as create your own modules on top of the base asset, use them among different projects and share them with other creators!Documentation | Discord | Changelog