A side view 16x16 pixel art tileset for a warped vines forest.
Includes tilesets for the terrain, water and props.
There's also an animated character and one background.Feel free to make requests for new content to be added!Contact email: swordcatgames@gmail.comAll the content included is:TilesTerrain: 63Water: 1 static + 1 animatedBackground: 13There are 12 props also set as a tileset1 full drawn background image1 animated character, a kappa, which contains idle, run, jump and fall animations.The total file count is 219.All of the art assets included are pixel art.There is a player controller script inlcluded, but that is merely to display the character in the demo scene and is not an integral part of the asset. But if you want to, feel free to use the controller on your project.There is 1 animated water tile included.All the pixel art was developed based on a 16 pixels per unity pixel density. The texture dimensions are:384x216 pixels - 1 file1024x288 pixels - 3 files256x16 pixels - 1 file16x16 pixels - 1 file12x18 pixels - 2 files36x18 pixels - 1 file96x18 pixels - 1 file