This is a unity package that aims to add useful features for unity like a PolymorphicVariable, SerializableDictionary, a Tag wrapper, Timers; Vector, color and string conversion, and manipulation.Ease development in unity adding useful and easy-to-use utilities!This is a package for unity that provide useful utilities like the PolymorphicVariable and SerializableDictionary classes and editor drawers, the ability to instantiate GameObjects with passing parameters to it, a safe Tag wrapper class, support for optional fields, a VolatileScriptableObject class and more! It is designed to implement features that add versatility and facility for doing some things.Say you have a Weapon abstract class, with other classes, like Gun or Sword, deriving from it. You can use the PolymorphicVarialbe to show on the inspector the option to have a Gun or a Sword and fill in their fields, just like if you had a Gun field or a Sword field. Or say you want to have a dictionary to convert a string to a sprite, well unity can't serialize dictionaries, so you wouldn't be able to do that, but with the SerializableDictionart you can! You don't like string binding for tags? Use the Tag class, which will show a popup to select the desired tag. Don't want to call GetComponent, GameObject.Find() for each of your variables, why not use a simple attribute like [GetComponent]?Here is a table of contents for this package:PolymorphicVariableVolatileScriptableObjectSerializableDictionaryTimersAutoAssignAutoSingletonInstantiate with argsVector helper methodsColor helper methodsString helper methodsOptionalRangesTag wrapperTypeVariablePlayStatusMathsTypeLibraryEditorHelperEnhanced Sprite Editor DrawerNamespacesAll of the features in this package are in the following Namespaces:MolecularLibMolecularLib.HelpersMolecularLib.TimersMolecularLib.AutoAssignMolecularLib.PolymorphismSupportMolecularEditorAnd MolecularLib.Demo for the demosBug reports and feature requestsThis project has a github page in which you can make bug repots and feature requestsThis project is also open-source, licensed under the Apache2 license.Features:PolymorphicVariableVolatileScriptableObjectSerializableDictionaryTimersAutoAssignAutoSingletonInstantiate with argsVector helper methodsColor helper methodsString helper methodsOptionalRangesTag wrapperTypeVariablePlayStatusMathsTypeLibraryEditorHelperEnhanced Sprite Editor DrawerFor a description of any of the features above, please check the README file.Documentation is included as a PDF and as a DOCXThis project is open-source, licensed under the Apache2 license.