Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year Town Low Poly
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This package contains low poly chinese styled buildings, stages, laterns and decorations during festivals.The contents are pretty straight forward as it is mostly static 3d objects.user may swap textures/materials of their own if needed.the package heavily associated with chinese new year/latern festival.The asset has been tested under Unity 2019.4 and onwards, using built-in pipelinesbelow are the details of the models/textures/materials and sample scenes: Modles:1. Bamboobamboo1 -1772 trisbamboo2 -1212 trisbamboo3 -1516 tris2. CoupletCouplet - 352 tris3. DragonDragon -14706 tris4. DrumDrum -1516 tris5. GateGate -5998 tris6. GiftboxGift box1 -516 trisGift box2 -324 trisGift box3 -268 trisGift box4 -500 tris7. HouseBase -240trisHouse -2812 trisDoor -340 trisWindow1 -564 trisWindow2 -242 trisWindow3 -102 tris8. LamppostLamppost -1892 tris9. Paper fanPaper fan -1892 tris10. Paper lamplamp group -1332 trislamp type0 - 444 trislamp type1 - 540 trislamp type2 – 456 trislamp type3- 432 tris11. Stagechinese spring word - 1124 trischinese style ornament - 3500 trisornament base - 576 trisstage- 472 tris12. Stone lampStone lamp - 844 trisAnimationsDragon animatorDrangon fly animationprefabs(tatol 37 prefabs)bamboo Asset (3prefabs)bamboos with firefly particle effectdragon Asset (1prefabs)rig dragon for animationgate Asset (1prefabs)tranditional Chinese style gategift box Asset (4prefabs)4 different style gift boxhouse(Asset 3prefabs)1 house model with two different windowlamppost(3prefabs)lamppost with coupletlamppost with lamp group (vertical)lamppost with sigle lamppaper lamp(14prefabs)lamp group (vertical) 3 lamplamp group long 10 lamplamp group medium 7 lamplamp group 5 lamplamp type0lamp type1 purplelamp type1 Rlamp type1 RWlamp type2 BFlamp type2 Rlamp type2 Wlamp type3 Glamp type3 Rlamp type3 Ystage(7prefabs)chinese spring wordchinese style ornamentdrumornament basepaper fanstagestage setstone lamp(1prefabs)stone lamp with particle lightTexturesBanboo 1024×1024Couplet 512×512Dragon 1024×1024Drum 512×512gate 1024×1024gift boxes 512×512paper fan 512×512paper lamp 512×512stage 512×512stone lamp 512×512Terrain textureRock floor textureDiffuse 1024×1024 Normal 1024×1024DirtDiffuse 1024×1024 Normal 1024×1024GrassDiffuse 1024×1024 Normal 1024×1024Material:1. Bamboo2. couplet3. dragon4. drum5. gate6. gift boxgift box1gift box2gift box3gift box47. housebasehousedoor and window8. lamppost9. paper fan10. paper lamplamp type1 purplelamp type1 RWlamp type1 Rlamp type2 BFlamp type2 RFlamp type2 Wlamp type3 Glamp type3 Ylamp type3 R11. sky12. stagechinese spring wordchinese style ornamentornament basestage13. stone lamp