This tool allows you to visualize geometry queries – raycasts, sweeps, overlaps and other shapes in convenient way.This tool allows you to quickly show many methods from physics-related classes.This tool helps you to correctly predict how physics-related methods will work in a three-dimensional world.Thanks to this tool, it is easier to choose parameters of physics-related methods and understand their operation.Visualizations include methods from the classes: Physics, Physics2D, Collider, Collider2D, Rigidbody, Rigidbody2D, RaycastCommand, BoxcastCommand, CapsulecastCommand, SpherecastCommand.This tool also allows you to visualize many methods from the Gizmos and Handles class from anywhere in your code. Thanks to that, creating visualizations becomes very easy and convenient.Editor Only: Gizmos for physics only works in the editor. This tool uses Gizmos mechanism so it can be used only in editor.