Easy Terrain Grass is a quick solution created for adding grass on top of a terrain in a few clicks.
The package contains custom placement and painting tools for the shader.🌱 Grass is placed on a transparent and split into chunks low-poly mesh generated from a specified terrain, which allows to add grass on top of any terrain without actually modifying or affecting the terrain itself.🏷️ Features• Supports shadows and additional lights (both features can be disabled for better performance)• Supports fog and ambient lights• Impostors (if enabled, replaces single grass blades with a grass sprite on a specified distance from the player)• Translucency• Simple interactivity (grass blades bend away from the player)• Has custom Painting and Placement tools• Placement mesh is split into chunks that support static batching☠️ Limitations:• Currenly only supports URP (2020.3+)• Grass doesn't adjust when viewed from top-down• Generates only low-poly blades (12 vertices max)• Configuring impostors may be a bit tricky with a high translucencyDocumentation for the package is available here