Procedural Grass Plugin is a GPU driven landscape grass system which supports millions of solid geometric grasses simulation for open world games.Engine: Unity 2020.3.30 (LTS) or later .Unity SRP: Universal RP 10.8 or later .Graphics APIs: DX11, Metal, Vulkan .Shader Model 5.Procedural Grass Plugin is built on Unity Universal RP renderer feature and encapsulated all assets into a morden npm-like package. All shaders is hand written (not ShaderGraph).The liscense is not a one-off, I'm very willing to provide you with free long-term consultation and services. If you encounter any problems while using it, please send me an email.Features:Octree based runtime grass tile management.Runtime camera frustum culling for grass tiles.Completely procedural blades generation.GPU instancing supported.Runtime LOD supported.Few GPU memory consumed.Compatible with Unity Universal PBR shading model and metallic workflow perfectly.Supports blades translucency & AO.Draw instanced procedural indirect.Wind fields and waves on grass tile.Control grass thickness by Unity terrain splat layer.Manipulate varous blade shapes with Tilt, bend and cubic bezier curve.High quality programming archetecture and well coding style.Pure hand-written sophisticated shaders.