Truly multiplatform VLC implementation for Unity:
Do you want to try it?:
Click here!(Windows 64bit executable)
Forum's thread (examples and support)
Do you want to integrate video (local and streamed) on your game or app? Not just play video on an overlay texture, but really make video (and its audio) part of your game.
The you need to be able to control it in the same way as you control your images and audio assets: you need to be able to manipulate each frame, apply it where needed and do the same
with the audio, being able to locate each channel ion the 3D world.
And you also need this to be multiplatform and hassle free.
This package is based on the popular VLC engine, meaning that anything that can be played using VLC can be played inside unity.
Including youtube and vimeo streams!!
Currently windows, ios, android and the unity windows editor are supported (yes, you will be able to test your videos from inside the editor!)
The proper libraries for VLC are already included in the package, so no need to go looking and fighting for the right version.
Main features:
- Play any video (local or stream) in any codec that VLC is able to play
- 4K resolution supported
- Frame is output to texture and raw texture (UI) and accessible for your custom shaders
- Virtual reality ready
- Full video control (play, pause, seek...)
- Dynamic aspect and resolution handling
- Ready for 3D (stereoscopic), 180 degree video, 360 video...
- Output each audio channel to a different audio source located in the 3D world
- Ready to use scripts for the most common UI controls (play, seek, pause...)
And you also get:
- Easy threading: our popular asset to handle multithreading
- Our custom build system that you can extend to allow 1-click deployment on your projects (with one click you get your game compiled, deployed and executed in windows or android)
Full source code is included and 3 examples:
- Normal movie playback
- 360 movie playback
- 3d stereoscopic movie playback
If you have any comments, doubts, feature request or just need some help just let me know in the forum's thread