3D Assets:5 building4 tree1 rock2 fence2 fence door1 mushroom1 modular dirt1 seed1 pumpkin5 propsPolygon count of [ scarecrowbody ] :9624Polygon count of [ agac_cam.001 ] :108Polygon count of [ barn.001 ] :600Polygon count of [ building.001 ] :3644 Polygon count of [ corn.003 ] :3872Polygon count of [ Cube.002 ] :94Polygon count of [ Cube.006 ] :232Polygon count of [ Cube.010 ] :108Polygon count of [ Cube.070 ] :192Polygon count of [ Cube.089 ] :148Polygon count of [ Cylinder.021 ] :604Polygon count of [ mushroom.003 ] :1730Polygon count of [ fencedoor.002 ] :248Polygon count of [ grass.015] :2106Polygon count of [ klube.025] :2614Polygon count of [ modulerdirt.031 ] :364 Polygon count of [ pumkin.002 ] :1756Polygon count of [ seed.001 ] :8708Polygon count of [ tree.001] :750Polygon count of [ tree.003 ] :80Polygon count of [ farmer ] :14660Polygon count of [ goat ] :7716Polygon count of [ spear ] :420