SuperTiles is an easy and an actively developing tool for building various of turn-based games📜Documentation 📣Join our Discord 🕹️DemoSuperTiles was born from a strong willing of its author to create a most helpful tool for building turn-based games. It won't stay rigid and get many updates!It has already included important Features:✔️ Hexagonal and Square maps✔️ 2D and 3D map support✔️ A* path finding✔️ Turns could have sequential unit type transitions or based on unit move range✔️ Popular items (heal) and weapons (gun, grenade) are already done✔️ Effects✔️ Health Rules (converters of input damage/heal values)SuperTiles is based on ProtoTiles, which is free and a good point to get acquainted with Red Bjorn asset structure and code style.🏆 Applicable for 3D or 2D games🏆 Several custom editor windows make work easier🏆 Source code is fully available and easy customisable🏆 Most scripts correspond Single Responsibility Principle and have small length count in average🏆 Code is well-documented