Animated 3D model for games, applications and educational presentations, etc.
Parasaurolophus walkeri and P.cyrtocristatus with small crest
Model sizes are approximatePackage does not contain scripts and animation controllers, except simple animator controller for demoscene.LODs and separate LODs with HighResolution model 23072 vertices 42632 tris for cinematics scenesRoot boneAnimations with RootMotion and InPlacePBRUV-layout mirrored, 2 UV channelsNumber of textures: 7Texture dimensions: 4096x4096 Albedo (5 colors).PNG, Normal.PNG, Metallic.TGA, AO.PNGPolygon countHighResolution model 23072 vertices 42632 trisLOD0- 6096 vertices 10406 trisLOD1- 2836 vertices 4462 trisLOD2- 1434 vertices 1936 trisNumber of meshes/prefabs12 Prefabs 8 MeshesRigging: YesAnimation: 104 animations Root Motion/In-place 25 Additive animations and posesadditive poses - Head/Stand - Down-Up-Left-Right-LeftDown-LeftUp-RightDown-RightUp-Straight/Additive_Attack Head/ Tail_Left/Tail_Right Additive_Stand_Attack Head/LegsAttack_Head, Attack_Head_Jump, Attack_Tail_Left/right, AttackLegs, Drink, Drink(Start,Idle,End), Eat, Eat (Start,Idle,End),Falling_Left/Right, Hit_Left/Right, Idle, Idle_Break, Idle_Break1, LyingDown (Start,Idle,End), Roar, Walk-Start-Left-Right, WalkBack-Start,Walk_Back-Star, JumpSleep (Start,Idle,End), Stand_Start, Stand_EndStand animations Attack_Head, AttackLegs, Eat, Falling_Left/Right, Hit_Left/Right, Idle, Idle_Break, Idle_Break1, Roar, Stun, Turn_Left/Right, Walk-Right-Left-Start, Walk_Back-Start, Run-Left-Right-Stop, Stand_JumpSwimming-Left-Right, Idle, Stun, Falling, Walk_to_Run_Pose, Run_to_Walk_Pose