Ultimate Currency Manager asset will help you manage all the currencies in your game with ease, display any of them as Text wherever you want, and also allows you to exchange between currencies.OVERVIEWUltimate Currency Manager asset will help you manage all the currencies in your game with ease, create as many currencies as you want, and display any of them as Text wherever you want, and also allows you to exchange currenciesUNLIMITED CURRENCIESThe asset is easily expandable to create as many currencies as you want your game to haveCURRENCIES EXCHANGEExchange currencies with ease using the built in Currency Converter, conversion fees is also supportedDRAG N' DROP READYWith a simple drag and drop prefab you can manage your in-game currenciesEASY TO SETUPJust drag the prefab to your scene and then call this function from your code:CurrencyManager.instance.UpdateAmount()FULLY DOCUMENTEDBeginner-friendly documentation to ease the setup process, the code is well written and is documented as well. To get started check the GuideDEPENDENCIESThis asset requires TextMeshPROFOLLOW INTENSENATIONDiscord | Reddit | TwitterUnlimited CurrenciesDrag N' Drop ReadyEasily ExpandableCurrency Debt SupportCurrencies Exchange