Tint and Flashing Effect Shader has much more freedom over the color of sprites and images compared to Unity's built-in coloring. Select the color and adjust the density freely. Supports even white.the Tint and Flashing Effect Shader has much more freedom over the color of sprites and images compared to Unity's built-in coloring.It is fully compatible with Unity's sprite masks. (There are many shaders which doesn't work with sprite masks out there.)Unity's built-in coloring only adds over the existing colors therefore it's unable to color a sprite to any solid color and it's unable to color anything to white at all. This issue is easily solved with the Tint and Flashing Effect Shader, you have absolute freedom over coloring sprites and images.This is a product of necessity. I decided to code this shader when I wanted to apply a "flashing effect when getting hit" on a character. I wanted the characters to flash in white color when they get hit. But as you know, if you set color value of a sprite or image to white, only the original colors as shown. the Tint and Flashing Effect Shader introduces "density" to solve this problem, and it's super easy to use!Can change the color of any sprite or image to any color, either solid or with diluted density.It is very fast, since it's written as a shader, it works much faster than coloring a sprite via code.Easy to use drag+drop material and can also be accessed via code with ease.