Create AI for AAA or smaller game titles for any game genre out there with a scalable, performant and maintainable AI system that fixes the issues of classic AI patterns!Classic AI patterns, such as behavior and decision trees usually force you to traverse the entire decision tree to execute (simple) actions...This is a huge waste of performance, since many actions like entity spotting or movement can in theory run independently.AiMalgam solves those issues by separating the decision-making process from action execution, while also providing support for event driven implementations!This asset pack is based on this thesis, which explains the issues, benchmarks and solutions of classic AI patterns in depth.With AiMalgam you can create custom AI logic for any game genre for AAA or smaller game titles that can run on any device supported by Unity. There are simply no restrictions!Though this AI system does provide you the tools to create AI for any game type, it does not mean that it already contains those AI implementations, since there are potentially infinite AI behaviors! You can take a look at the demo section to see what AI behavior can be made and beyond that as well!Checkout the video tutorial series, the documentation and feel free to join the discord server for support and discussions!Features:Building AI behavior with the graph editorDebugging AI at runtime with the graph editorGenerating new custom AI scripts (node settings, Monos, AI logic, etc.)Management of your AI settingsEvent driven architectures for decision-makingA well documented API and manualVideo tutorialsDemo AI behavior implementationsSupports any game genreSupports any creature AI (humanoids, insects, fish, stationary objects, etc.)Compatible with 2D and 3D environmentsCompatible with any render pipelineCan run on any OSSupports Unity 2019.4 and ongoingUses custom property drawersAI Demos (3D only):A simple "Red Light Green Light" scene, similar to "Squid Game"Hide and Seek exampleSmall Tower Defense setupClose and distance-based Combat AISwing, get hit and Block melee attacks AIExample Conditions and MonosSpotting AIAnimation AIFollow AIFlee AIThis asset pack uses third-party components (see the "Third-Party Notices.txt" file), such as the forked NaughtyAttributes package, Unity3DHelperTools, a highly modified version from XNode and Material Icons.