You want to create vast alien forests? Are you missing unusual plants on your planet? Then this package will fit perfectly into your project! Let it convince you!With this package, you can plant especially vast forests on alien planets. But small jungles are also possible with this objects. Change the xolours of the plants and create your very own world!All materials come with colors, so you can color the objects to your liking and create your very own worlds!Objects:Gras:Gras_01 with 5 variations: between 768 and 1208 trisGras_02 with 5 variations: between 880 and 1320 trisGras_03 with 8 variations: between 336 and 574 trisGras_04 with 5 variations: between 252 and 672 trisPlants:Plant_13 with 9 variations: between 1260 and 1494 trisPlant_14 with 6 variations: between 635 and 779 trisStones:Stone_18 with 12 variations: between 48 and 84 trisTrees:Tree_12 with 3 variations: between 7674 and 7770 trisTree_13 with 6 variations: between 712 and 1242 trisTree_14 with 4 variations: between 2074 and 3298 tirsTree_15 with 8 variations: between 448 and 1750 trisTree_16 with 4 variations: between 2238 and 2672 trisTree_17 with 8 variations: between 1284 and 1960 trisTree_18 with 6 variations: between 878 and 1458 trisTree_19 with 6 variations: between 974 and 1176 trisTree_20 with 4 variations: between 3252 and 3910 trisThis package contains prefabs of all objects, all objects except the grasses have a mesh collider.The package also contains 53 different and lightweight materials for the objects, 5 of them with a glowing effect.