Welcome to Minifantasy - Farm, a charming 8x8 tileset that includes all you need to create farms for your RPG or farming game.★ Key Features ★Farm building Indoor and Outdoor tilesetsVarious props including crops with 3 different growing states and more.6 farm animals with idle/eat and walk animations in 4 directions.Plus 9 animated icons of farming actions.Make levels fast with pre-configured Tile palettes, Sprites, and Props!Use of Minifantasy rule tiles to speed up your level design.Swap quickly between prop variations in the editor.★ Assets ★TilesetsField tilesPath tilesOutdoor building tilesIndoor building tilesFloor covered by hay tilesFence tilesPillar tilesAnimated AnimalsSheepGoatCowDonkeyPigRabbitProps - CropsPepperCauliflowerGarlicRadishPotatoLettuceRiceCornSunflowerTomatoWheatBeetCranberriesEggplantPumpkinProps - OtherHay balesScarecrowTool chestsWater pumpand more!PLUS!9 Animated Farming Actions!★ Details ★Rule tiles require the Tilemaps 2D Extras (preview) package.All tiles come in (8x8px) resolution.