99 High-Quality Magic Elemental Spells Effects divided in:
- Dark Spell
- Fire Spell
- Ice Spell
- Lighting Spell
- Poison Spell
- Rock Spell
- Water Spell
- Wind Spell
Each elemental magic sound include:
Whoosh, Hit, Buff, Spell and unique magic actions for each.
Preview and documentation:
Youtube Link
Soundclound Link
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JBpyb1b5JWBsiSFlhp1f5dyPUqMT5-z4/view?usp=sharing
More about the pack:
- Intuitive file naming
- All you’ll ever need regarding magical elemental sounds
[Use them again & again]
Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.
Jorge Guillén (khronstudio@gmail.com)
- For custom sound design, sound engineering or any other game audio services, please send a mail to: khronstudio@gmail.com