UniToDo is a simple yet complete and customizable to do list running in Unity Editor.FeaturesEasy to install: just grab the package and open it in your Unity Editor.All source code included.Fully customizable: manage categories, priorities, colors, and create the best to do list for your needs.No EditorPrefs: everything is written in a simple Json file in the Editor.No additional files in your build: UniToDo works in editor only.No external dependecies: just simple C# UnityEditor scripting.Getting StartedUniToDo makes to do list in unity super simple.Add the provided UnityPackage in your Unity project.Go to Tools/UniToDO in the top menu of your Unity Editor.Place the UniToDo window everywhere you want (UniToDo works best in a vertical window like the Inspector)Create a Configuration by clicking on the "Create Configuration" button.Set configuration's parameters according to your needs.Make sure to hit the Apply Changes button each time you want to save your to do list changesYou are ready to goYou can find additional documentation hereAdditional stepsOnce your first configuration is created you can save it wherever you want and reuse it in your projects using UniTodo.If you want to share the to do list just add UniToDo folder to your version control system.If you want to avoid sharing your to do list with your team members add the entire UniToDo folders to the ignore file of your version contro system.Support me on Ko-FiIf you like UniToDo or find it useful, please consider donating me on Ko-FiNo minimun donation required and you can donate monthly or just one time.This will immensely help me continue developing assets and games.Thank you so much!FeaturesEasy to install: just grab the package and open it in your Unity Editor.All source code included.Fully customizable: manage categories, priorities, colors, and create the best to do list for your needs.No EditorPrefs: everything is written in a simple Json file in the Editor.No additional files in your build: UniToDo works in editor only.No external dependecies: just simple C# UnityEditor scripting.Supported OSWindowsMAC OsLinuxSupported Unity VersionsProject is built with 2020.3.x but it's plain C# UnityEditor scripting without dependencies, so should run always on older versions.DocumentationYou can find the complete documentation here.