The Simple Top Down Controller is a simple starting point to create Top Down Games and Scenarios with Unity.The Simple Top Down Controller is suitable for 3D Top Down Game Projects, and contains pre-made Mini-Maps, easy to customize controls from the inspector, and adjustable camera positions both for the Minimap and for the Main Camera.Dependencies:This Package Uses GridBox Prototype Materials as a dependency (free asset pack) Download Dependency Before using: GRIDBOX PROTOTYPE MATERIALSUse with Unity Versions 2020.3.17f1 or higher.Requires use of the legacy input system. The package contains an custom Input Manager that should be used to properly gain all the functionality of the scripts included.Created by TKG Studios LLCfor support email studiostkg@gmail.comFeatures:C# Code Components for Player, Movement, Input and CollisionDocumented and Commented CodeEasy Re-Mapping of Keyboard Controls (WASD, Arrow Keys or Both)Jump MechanicSimple Interface for Interactable ObjectsPre-Built Mini-Map FeatureSupported Platforms:PCSuppoerted OS:WindowsDocumentation Link