Basic animation pack for PicoChan.
Rambling walk / Anime girls run / Serious dash / Big jump of joy
Of course, you can use it with other humanoid models too!This is a basic motion pack for cheerful girls.This package includes five types of animations suitable for game development, including "waiting," "walking," "running," and "jumping.animation.This asset includes the following two types of animations.For standard Humanoid rigging models.One that includes a shaking animation specifically for PicoChan.PicoChan Animationspico_chan_anm_idle01_00pico_chan_anm_jump01_00pico_chan_anm_run01_00pico_chan_anm_run02_00pico_chan_anm_walk01_00Standard Humanoid Animationsanm_idle01_00anm_jump01_00anm_run01_00anm_run02_00anm_walk01_00Some PicoChan model data are also included.Includes Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 (UTS2) Ver.2.0.8.Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 (UTS2) is provided under the Unity-ChanLicense2.0 terms.Animation count - 10(5 x 2)Animation type listIdleWalkRun1Run2Jump