This Template contains many things as a developer you will need to start creating and releasing 2D games knowing lots of the code has been handled for you.Make sure the post processing stack is downloaded.This asset pack cotains the following:----------Player ----------- Customisable movement system- Acceleration / Deceleration- Customisable jump height- Customisable jump amount- Dash ability- Customisable dash force- Crouch system- Grapple hook system- Particle effects- Camera zoom in and out system- Custom cursor system---------- Enviroment ----------- Customisable Moving Platforms- Lava- Spikes---------- Enemies ----------- Patrol Enemy- Agro enemy- Bouncing Enemy- Flying Chase Enemy----------Player ----------- Customisable movement system- Acceleration / Deceleration- Customisable jump height- Customisable jump amount- Dash ability- Customisable dash force- Crouch system- Grapple hook system- Particle effects- Camera zoom in and out system- Custom cursor system---------- Enviroment ----------- Customisable Moving Platforms- Lava- spikes---------- Enemies ----------- Patrol Enemy- Agro enemy- Bouncing Enemy