Set of 5 animated futuritic/Sci-Fi weapons + simple First Person ControllerIncluded in the package:• Weapons:- Glister (pistol)- Rapidler (Assault Rifle)- Reaper C100 (Sniper Rifle)- Spark TP600 (Shotgun)- Voidbolter (Sniper Rifle)• Demo scene• Textures size up to 4096x4096 including Diffuse, Normal, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion and Illumination maps• Additional graphics: icons, crosshairs, muzzle flashes• Sound effects such as: fire, reload, melee, zoom, dryfire etc.Animations:- Select- Putaway- Idle- Move- Run- Fire- Reload- Empty Reload- Zoom Idle- Zoom Move- Zoom Fire- Melee Attack- DryfireFile formats:FBX for modelsPNG for TexturesWAV for sound effects