Astounding Stories | the Epic Adventure Music Bundle
Robert Peckyno / @streamingkeys
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This value sound pack combines everything from the 'the Beetle Horde,' 'Mad Music,' 'Cave of Horror,' and 'Phantoms of Reality' music packs into an Epic Music Bundle!This value soundpack combines all four "Astounding Stories" Music Packs into an Epic Adventure Music Bundle. This bundle includes twenty seven (27) stereo 32-bit 44.1k .wav files including scenes for majestic title sequences, chases, mysteries, and even a battle or two. The four 'books' in this pack combine orchestral, rock, and industrial influences to create a driving set of soundscapes that are both unique and familiar.Phantoms of RealityThis mostly orchestral pack includes seven (7) 32-bit float stereo .wav files including :An opening sequence (1:33),A Main Title theme (1:07),Two (2) tension scenes (one of which can loop) (:41) and (:56);An extended jazzy chase sequence [loopable] (1:37)An alternate version of the chase with an ending (1:58)The full instrumental version of 'Phantoms of Reality' (6:18)Mad MusicThis pack includes eight (8) stereo audio .wav files:Two (2) mystery scenes (1:23) and (:49);Two (2) action scenes (2:00) and (:38); andThree (3) violin focused themes (1:18)(:58) and (1:03)The full instrumental version of 'Mad Music' (9:41)Cave of HorrorThis pack includes six stereo audio .wav files:Two (2) investigation loops (2:41) and (:36);Two (2) action scenes (1:49);A sweeping ending (:37)The full instrumental version of 'the Cave of Horror' (6:44)the Beetle HordeThis pack includes six stereo audio .wav files:Intro and theme (2:08);Love theme (1:23);Investigation loop (:32);Battle (:36); andVictory (:45)The full instrumental version of 'the Beetle Horde' (9:15)This bundle includes twenty seven (27) stereo 32-bit 44.1k .wav files. If you need any other format, please don't hesitate to ask.