This chemistry lab items pack contains unique prefabs that are detailed enough making it suitable for creating your own scientific environment on all platforms.No such applications like DirectX, NET4x or any open-source software are required.Do Like it if you Love this asset and go to profile for more similar assets. We would love to hear from our viewers so drop a comment for any suggestions or recommendations.This chemistry lab items pack contains unique prefabs that are detailed enough making it suitable for creating your own scientific environment on all platforms. All the low poly and optimized equipments are custom made to build multiple scenes without skipping details. This asset is the best choice for adding real effects of lab apparatus. The textures works in an effective manner with a variety of materials. Use the prefabs (separately given for each model) to place the items as required.Features:Easy to use prefabsDetail-oriented texturesSeparate PSD filesBeakersFlasksTest tube holdersWater tableBunsen burnerStools and cupboardsTechnical Specs:Texture Type - Albaedo , Metallic, NormalTexture Format - .pngTexture Dimensions - 1024*1024UV mapping - YesPoly Count:Faces - 23759Edges - 47938Vertices - 24342