With InfiniTile create simulated 2D infinite backgrounds for endless runners games in no time! Make your backgrounds as big and fast as you want. No coding required.THIS IS THE PRO VERSION OF THE ASSET! FOR A DEMO VERSION GO TO THE FREE VERSION.Create in seconds simulated 2D infinite backgrounds for endless runners games. All with a simple and useful UI.✔PRO Version featuresHave multiple background configurations as scriptable objects.Manage backgrounds with multiple layers.Change between continuous and step by step movement.What will you find in the asset:✔ Powerful level design toolAny 2D game that you are developing can be upgraded with this useful tool.✔ Simple UIGizmos that will help you preview how will the tiles display.✔ Scriptable objectsSave multiple levels you create for easier handling✔ Free tiles for your useNo tiles ? No problem ! We made free tiles in case you are not Picasso.✔ Complete documentationA PDF and a website for you to review any moment.✔ Performance OptimizedUses an object pooler to generate all the tiles you want.To contact contact us:Mail us: sindri. studios.info@gmail.comsindristudios.comInfiniTile ManagerVisualize your grid in editor modeConfigure the tile map sizeAdd multiple layers of tiles.Set the dimensions of the tiles.Add as many sprites you wantSet the speed of movementSet the direction of the tile map